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Carrot; Red Cored Chantenay


Daucus carota subsp. sativus. One of the most dependable, storage carrots for use in poorer soils. Roots are beautifully tapered with rich orange color. Best flavor in our blind taste tests. Weed continuously.

Companion plants include: peas, lettuce, onions, garlic, tomatoes.

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CULTURE: Because of tap root, it is advisable to avoid starting carrots in flats for transplanting. Plant seeds after soil reaches 55° F.

SOIL: Carrots do best in rich, noncompacted soil high in phosphorus and potassium and moderate levels of nitrogen.

SEED PRODUCTION: Store best roots for replanting following year or leave in the garden and mulch heavily. Flowering tops are quite large so leave at least 2′ spacing between carrots.

SUGGESTED Individual Portion: 1 Tablespoon.

Additional information

Weight 90 g
Dimensions 2.25 × 2.25 × 2.25 in


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