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Bowl and scoop with Coriandar
Online Shop

Seeds for Life

We have seeds! 250 generous portions in our standard bundles at an average of $0.72 per packet

Sample of portioned seeds
Online Shop

Survival Seed Bundle

The bundle we need if supply chains are interrupted! 300 generous portions and the Seed Saving Book to help jump start a garden after an emergency.

Emmer Wheat
Online Shop

Baker’s Bundle

A Mini-Bundle to help kick start your baking garden! 70 generous 1/4 cup portions in this new bundle at an average of $1.72 per packet.

close up of seeds
Online Event

Monthly Seed Chat

Free classes to get your seed questions answered
New in our Store!

NEW- We have Gift Cards

Need a gift for a Gardener or a Gardening Community?  How about a Seed Up In a Box Gift Card?

The Great American Seed Up

Our bulk seed program with adaptable, non-GMO, heirloom seeds

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Bulk Seeds Your Way

Choose a standard bundle or make your own!