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Lettuce; Salad Bowl Red (Leaf)


Lactuca sativa.Loose leaf. The beauty, flavor and tenderness of Salad bowl with solid red color, fuller head and slightly more compact shape. Delicious. Withstands hot weather as well as the green salad bowl. Excellent flavor!

Companion plants include carrots and radishes.

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CULTURE: Plant seeds in flats 3-4 weeks early, or when the ground is ready. Stagger plantings every 10 days, planting smaller amounts more frequently as weather becomes hot.

SOIL: Provide nitrogen-rich soil. (Add extra compost or chicken manure, if needed.)

WATER: Water heavily in hot weather, but make sure leaves dry out before the sun sets.

SUGGESTED Individual Portion: 1 Teaspoon.

Additional information

Weight 32 g
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × .5 in


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