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Onion; White Sweet Spanish


Allium cepa. This sweet onion has white skin, fine flesh, and excellent flavor. Grow as globes in the colder zones, and scallions in the warmer zones. Good for zones 2-12. Stores moderately well. Perfect for onion rings or in salads. Long to indeterminate variety. 110 days.

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CULTURE: Can be started in a flat 2-3 months before last frost and transplanted, or direct sown.  Thin for best results. When tops flop over, cut them to about 3″ to encourage bulb growth.

SOIL: Prefers well-drained, rich soil, high in organic matter.

WATER: Water frequently, especially during dry spells.

SEED PRODUCTION: Harvest your bulbs and select the best for seed production. Replant in the fall or early spring with 8-12″ spacing. Allow seed production to occur by allowing some bulbs to flower.

SUGGESTED Individual Portion: 1 Teaspoon.

Additional information

Weight 37 g
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × .5 in


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